Bird health and antibiotics
The use of antibiotics as growth stimulants and for disease prevention in birds and animals is banned in Estonia and throughout the European Union.
The use of antibiotics is allowed only for curative purposes and only on the prescription of a veterinarian, in accordance with laboratory and clinical studies, with careful monitoring of the use of the medicine. At Tallegg, we have invested over the years in the living conditions, welfare and biosecurity of the birds, which means that the incidence of disease in birds on Tallegg farms is very low.
Responsible businesses create the best possible living conditions for animals and birds to reduce the need for treatment, rather than abandoning it. However, if a bird is sick for whatever reason, it is carefully treated according to the treatment regimen specified by the veterinarian. One of the most important cornerstones of Tallegg’s poultry farming is the welfare and health of our birds, and this also requires the provision of the necessary treatment in the event of the birds becoming ill. We have minimized the treatment of birds with antibiotics and always prefer natural alternatives.
In cases where there has been a need to treat the bird, there is a withdrawal period for sending it to the meat industry, which is strictly enforced to ensure that no residues of the medicine reach the human consumption. Antibiotics which are also used in humans and which carry a risk of resistance in humans are partially banned in animal husbandry. In Estonia, the field of medicinal products, including veterinary medicinal products and pre-mixtures for medicated feedingstuffs, is regulated by the Medicinal Products Act and its implementing legislation.
In the spring of 2019, the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) recognized our poultry industry for creating a system of broiler chickens reared without antibiotics. As a result, Tallegg’s fresh broiler meat is labelled “Farmed without antibiotics in Estonia”.